Wednesday, March 31, 2010

no matter how good a person you are

Strengthen a Trait
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach
Published March 29, 2010

No matter how good of a person you are, you can always improve in certain areas. Maybe you could become a better listener, or perhaps you could use more patience. The list is endless and we all have our shortcomings in different areas. With that as our foundation today, I have a challenge for those of you who want to be better than you are. Here’s what I suggest you do.

Pick one area where you believe you could use some upgrading. Next, think of someone you admire who possesses and displays this particular characteristic. Finally, do your best to imitate that person in the area you’ve identified. Allow this person to motivate you to a higher level with regards to this trait. In other words, pick a trait and emulate!


Patience! Diplomacy! Kindness! Long suffering. I think i'd like to challenge myself on diplomacy. to be diplomatic i will need to be long suffering and kind and a lot of things. a real challenge!!!

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