Friday, February 11, 2011


Turn The Tide!
Daily Inspiration
John H. Sklare, Ed.D
Published December 14, 2006

Habit is the enemy of change! The force of habit is what draws you back to old, negative, self-defeating behaviors. Habit is a very powerful force in our lives and, once it gets a hold of you, it’s very difficult to break free. This is how habit becomes the enemy of change and how habit provides the background music for your life. In order to bring new music into your world, I offer you the following activity. It is designed to allow you to be proactive regarding change. I call it the TIDE technique. It’s a formula for increasing awareness and enhancing change. Here’s the simple 4-step procedure:

T – Think It: What new dance steps (behaviors and thoughts) do you want to learn?

I – Imagine It: Take a few moments every day, find some quite time, close your eyes and actually imagine yourself performing these new steps (behaviors and thoughts).

D – Declare It: At least once every day look into a mirror and declare these new behaviors and thoughts as your own.

E – Experience It: Practice these new thoughts and behaviors in real life situations

Change requires that you break the bonds of habit by creating new background music for your life. Choose something that you want to change and apply the TIDE technique today. If you do, you may be dancing to a different drummer tomorrow!

Wishing You Great Health!
Dr. John H. Sklare


so, so hard! an easy read but very hard to follow.

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