Wednesday, March 2, 2011



from the article 'How to Tap into What Really Motivates You'
By Daniel H. Pink
O, The Oprah Magazine | From the January 2010 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine

Figure Out Where You Can Be Your Own Boss

We come into this world curious and self-directed—just look at any toddler—but we can become passive and inert in mundane situations, like when we're stuck on the low end of the office totem pole or in the cook/housecleaner/chauffeur role at home. Two business school professors, however, found that people in the least-empowered positions can develop a sense of autonomy. They studied the performance of hospital cleaners, and found that those who went beyond doing the minimum job requirements—chatting with patients or helping make nurses' tasks go more smoothly—reported an increase in job satisfaction. By reframing their duties, the janitors helped make their work more fully their own. This isn't just about taking on more responsibilities. It's about exploring what you can do differently to make your role, whatever it is, more interesting. If you reframe "I have to go the grocery store" to "I'm a player in the worldwide supply chain for food"—okay, no one but a nerd like me will do that—but you could choose to see how your choice of eggs can affect a larger system. Or you can make a game of it and see how fast you can get in and out of there. Either way, you're not at the mercy of a to-do list; you've taken control (if only in a small way) of your time, efforts and responsibilities.


I've always been a believer in 'going the extra mile', doing more than what's expected. That always gives a new meaning to whatever it is your doing. Suddenly the task, no matter how mundane, becomes very important- to you, at least (and that matters a lot!). Somehow, giving your all to a task, gives some sort of imprint on your results. It's like putting your own brand into everything that you do. it's hearing people say - "that's excellent! I'm sure you did it"! - that's going to be one good way to feel motivated.

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