Monday, May 23, 2011


Don't Be Tardy
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach
Published May 23, 2011

I find it fascinating how we all seem to have certain things that get our goat, so to speak. And what’s even more interesting about this is what tends to irritate and annoy one person may have absolutely no impact at all on another. I wrote an article a while back about a related topic, Pet Peeves, that seemed to strike a chord and get a real rise out of many of you. Today I want to address another irritating situation: Being late!

I operate under the assumption that if I am not 15 or 20 minutes early, I’m late. With this as my standard, I find myself seldom rushed and never late for an appointment or meeting. Of course, there is always the occasional flat tire or unforeseen situation that you cannot control, but that is precisely why I always figure that possibility into my traveling calculation. In my opinion, being late never serves you well and always makes a bad impression. In short, it demonstrates poor planning and reeks of disrespect! So I always try to arrive early because there is one sentence I don’t like to say… or hear: I’m sorry I’m late!

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare

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I can't say Iwas never tardy. But I am the one some people hated because they had to take the bus to a retreat venue. We set a time and a place. We gave enough warning that we would leave at the appointed time. We also gave out maps-for those who thought I wasn't serious enoughto leave them behind. I did. I don't believe those who came early should be allowed to cool their heels for those who cannot come on time.

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