Saturday, May 7, 2011


Get Fit to Improve Your IQ
By The Lifescript Editorial Staff
Published May 06, 2011

Running is great for your heart and pumping iron builds strong muscles, but could both also help improve brain power?

Increased circulation, as a result of engaging in regular exercise, benefits your whole body, but especially your brain, which relies on a steady flow of blood to supply both nutrients and oxygen to its tissues. And what better time to beef up your brain’s “muscles” than during childhood?

According to a study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, kids who are physically fit are smarter too. Fit kids will obviously score higher on fitness tests, but studies shows they also score higher on academic tests. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Exercise promotes whole body awareness, and as a result of engaging in regular physical activity, the brain is better equipped to help you focus your attention on the task at hand.

Whether you were a fit kid, or never were and are now an adult in need of getting into shape, it’s time to focus your attention on regular exercise. Experiencing brain fog? Having writer’s block? Forgot where you left your keys? Go take a walk!

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No one wonder my brain seems to have stopped working for a long time. Let's see how my IQ will improve now that I've taken up walking.

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