Sunday, February 27, 2011


Who Do You Respect?
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach
Published February 11, 2011

One of the most precious and intangible tributes that one can receive from another you admire is respect. There are a variety of definitions for this word, but for today’s discussion, let’s use this one: the condition of being esteemed or honored.

Respect is one of those coveted human qualities you can’t buy, borrow or steal because it must be earned. In the most positive sense of this word, respect is acquired through admired and valued behavior.

Today I ask you to consider this beloved human badge of honor from the following angle: Who do you most respect in your life and what does this person consistently do to earn it? Since a great deal of our behavior is modeled after those we have respect for, people we hold in high esteem provide great examples for us to follow.

So who do you most respect and how have they influenced your life?

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare


go ahead - think of all those people you respect and ask the question why. go a little farther and look back at the people you used to respect and people you respect now. if you notice some changes, chances are you've changed, too- your outlook, your values, your attitude toward life and people.

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