Monday, May 9, 2011


Are You Lollygagging?
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach
Published May 09, 2011

Please consider today’s Reflection as a motivational wake-up call for all of you who aren’t getting things done in life. Let me begin with a simple question: Are you lollygagging? To lollygag means “to waste time in trifling or aimless activity; fool around or dawdle.” I want you to think about the most important goal in your life that’s unfinished. Sure, there may be good reasons to waste time, but until you get going with this, it simply isn’t going to become a reality.

So today I ask you to think about that one desired goal in your life. Is today the day you finally begin to take honest action toward this objective? Or have you decided that lollygagging is a wiser use of your time? At the end of the day, it’s your life and time that you’re wasting!

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare

Follow Dr. Sklare on Health Bistro!


I think lollygagging is good-once in a while. Maybe 30 minutes a day opf vegging out will keep away the stress. But to lollygag for more than that is a serious problem. My biggest question, for now, is what is 'trifling and aimless'?. What you're doing for the moment may notlooklike something that will help you reach that one desired momentous goal. But not every small thing is trifle. If what you're doing is helping someone, even if it doesn't seem to contribute to your dream, I will not call that lollygagging!

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