Thursday, April 14, 2011


The Story of Oak and Oil
Daily Inspiration
John H. Sklare, Ed.D
Published February 29, 2008

As you know, I talk a lot about change. As a matter of fact, I often tell people in jest that I’m really a “changeologist.” I think I may have coined that term, and it really suites me well. The concept of change was recently brought to my attention in a rather interesting way. Here’s what happened: I decided to clean my office desk the other day. I have a beautiful oak desk that I’ve had for a long time, and occasionally, I give it a good cleaning with some oil in order to bring out the beautiful grain. The inspiration for this column presented itself to me as I was wiping the oil-soaked rag across the wood. As anyone who has ever done this task knows, the change is immediate and the difference is like night and day. Not unlike running a coat of dark new paint over an old, faded wall, the visual effect was dramatic and instant. I thought, If only I could invent an oil that would do this for lifestyle change. You would wipe it on your body and voila… instant weight loss and healthy lifestyle change!

Of course, there is no fantastic oil for lifestyle change. If you want to create a leaner body and a healthier life, it’s going to take longer than an hour and more than a simple liquid. But I do believe we all have that special something in our lives that can motivate us to achieve incredible accomplishments. The key is to find out what oil works for you, if you follow the analogy. Because, in truth, my little story of oak and oil is really a metaphor for creating change in your life. So, my challenge for you today is to begin searching for the oil that will transform your oak. Find that special something that motivates you to create change in your life, and you will also see the dramatic results that change brings with it.

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare


What happens to your car when you don't change the oil. That's what's going to happen to you when you stubbornly declare you don't need any oil because you don't need to change.

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